
Slimdoo Customer reviews and WordPress Plugin

Hello everyone,  

Our developers are working at full speed and we have just put two great things online!

Slimdoo® customer reviews
All Landing pages, sites and billing pages now show the percentage of satisfied customers*, as well as a link to the latest Slimdoo® customer testimonials.

Our goals:
- To satisfy and thus retain customers, in the long term
- To Challenge ourselves ;-)

The gain in terms of conversion is already significant.

View our customer satisfaction index here

* To know: Customers are invited to complete a quick survey after receiving their product (the satisfaction percentage is calculated in real time). 100% fair! .

The Eldolink® WordPress Plugin
If you use WordPress, you can now easily add features to your blog or site:
Email catchers, banners, free content (ideal weight calculation, BMI ...), and other dynamic banners.
See more here

Do not hesitate to contact us if you need assistance!

Make big cash: convert your traffic with Slimdoo® solutions via Eldolink or its partners (CPA networks and affiliate platforms).

Team Eldolink®
With you, for you
Powered by
PS: Stay tuned, Slimdoo® Chakras, Tonic, Spirit and Up soon in Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, English and German

The latest news

The geographic origin of your visitors is analyzed in real-time and the most profitable offers are pushed to them

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