
Win big in 2018

We wish you a wonderful 2018 with great success in all your business projects!

Take advantage of this new period of growth: offer to your prospects our great wellness and slimming solutions.

At your disposal: 9 proven campaigns in 6 languages.
You will make your audience very profitable (Cpc, Cpa & Revene Sharing).

Win big cash with Eldolink® now!

Do not miss it in January!

100 euros offered in vouchers for 10 sales of Slimdoo® products (realised in January 2018).

Easy easy to make!

Turn Your Email List into Cash

Dozens of new materials are now available on (partners area).

Very interesting news will be announced throughout 2018, so stay tuned!

Hugs to you all,

Alex, Pat & Fab
Eldolink Founders
With You, For You!

The latest news

Boost the Monetization of Your Email Lists with Our Campaigns

Hello everyone!Discover our brand new email kits now available on our platform just a few clicks, access a variety of campaigns in the fields of weight loss, beauty, and wellness.We also offer numerous other kits on Eldolink, designed to maximize conversions...
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Email promotion for Slimdoo® is very successful. Do not hesitate to ask our marketing teams for personalized emailing kits.

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