
Boost your sales - 50% off on Slimdoo®

Hi everyone !Early 2021 is a good time to promote the Slimdoo® wellness products.From the slimming belt to the magnetic bracelet and the slimming patchs, Slimdoo® proposes a fine selection of slimming, beauty & wellness offers...
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Jan 20, 2021

Win Big - Black Friday 2020

Hello everyone!  It's almost Black Friday and it's a great opportunity to push the Slimdoo® campaigns .From Monday, 23rd of November to Wednesday, 2nd of December 2020, prices are divided by two on all landings and on Slimdoo®...
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Nov 18, 2020

Turn visitors into customers with the Slimming patches

Hello everyone ! After long months of testing, the "Slimming Patches" campaign is online.Slimming Patches: an easy-to-use product, the best for your trafficMade from plants and natural ingredients, these patches are popular with customers.
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Oct 7, 2020
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