An array of very powerful and complete offers!

Our affiliate network offers digital (The Slimdoo® Program) and physical (Slimdoo® Stop, Light, Zen...) products to promote.
The Slimdoo® concept, in affiliation with Eldolink®, is based on self-control and offers a different approach to most existing “slimming offers”.

No more yo-yo effects and miracle diets, losing motivation and feelings of failure. Slimdoo® allows your Internet users to set their weight-loss goals themselves and stay motivated with a multitude of slimming contents, including a cunning self-coaching system accessible on all supports (computers, tablets, smartphones…).

With Slimdoo®, Eldolink® allows you to offer your visitors a rich and varied slimming offer.

Expose also your audience to the famous Thé Toujours® Program, a high-end wellness tea brand designed specifically for Eldolink®.

Thé Toujours® is a tea with exceptional virtues and taste, perfect for monetizing your flow in the following verticals: relaxation, detox slimming and anti-aging.

With the expertise of Eldolink's founders in the various on and off-line transactional processes, the monetization of your audience will be optimized in real-time.

Thus, in order to better convert all of your flow and prospects, our affiliation program is:

  • Multi-lingual and geo-localized
  • Multi-channel (web, mobile/apps, premium rate number, mail order sales)
  • Multi-billing (Bank card: subscription and oneshot, premium rate number)
See our Campaigns


Slimming recipes
Analysis tools
Community area
Renewable subscriptions

Slimdoo® Mobile

BMI, ideal weight
Calorie table
Calorific requirements
Renewable subscriptions

Eldolink® Datas

Direct marketing
Database monetization

Slimdoo® Products

Mail order sales

Thé Toujours®

Mail order sales
Renewable subscriptions

Eldo Billing

Ecommerce / Mcommerce
Premium rate number
Slimdoo® is fully compatible with mobile technology. Your visitor can subscribe and use Slimdoo® on any current device.

Did You Know?