
New tool: Exit Intent Popup

Hello everyone !  

Following your requests, a new promotional tool (french market):

The Exit Intent Popup

See an example

Offer free content to your users (5 different contents to choose), as well as paid offers, if they wishe.

This invitation is triggered especially when visitors are about to leave your website.

Please see the Super Email Catchers section for more information.

If you want to win on all CRM actions - Direct sales, "Ping-pong" (internal CRM) and Eldolink® Datas (= Eldodatas) - :

We advise you to choose the revshare option

Stay tuned, soon some nice news (a very new wellness product, new materials ...).

Pat, Fab & Snoopy
Team Eldolink®
With You, For You
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Email promotion for Slimdoo® is very successful. Do not hesitate to ask our marketing teams for personalized emailing kits.

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